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Visible Mending Clinic
Daniela Monasterios Tan


Date and Time:


6 March, Sunday - 3pm

20 March, Sunday -3pm

3 April, Sunday - 3pm

Level 1, Design Orchard Retail Showcase






Daniela Monasterios Tan is a fashion lecturer, researcher and curator based in Singapore. Daniela co-founder of fashion collective Mash-Up in 2012, fashion+art collective A Stubborn Bloom in 2019 and fashion podcast In the Vitrine in 2019. As a maker and educator, Daniela is interested in encouraging diverse ways of approaching, thinking and experiencing fashion. Her published research and interests explore subculture, the anti-fashion approach of the aesthetics of use and wardrobe practices. 


Quiet strength need not be mistaken for useless vulnerability.

― Rozsika Parker 


Mending began as an act that we tried to hide, yet in recent years there has been a resurgent movement embracing and highlighting Visible Mending as a creative and a provocation against disposability. Through this ‘Visible Mending Stitch and B*tch’, the intervention invites anyone to spend an afternoon mending, stitching and b*tching. Anyone is invited to bring along an object that they’d like to try their hand at mending and materials will be available.


My curiosity  with mending began when I stumbled upon garments in the London of College Archives; silk stockings and a silk slip that had been excessively mended. Fascinated by the haphazard and abstract stitchings, I spent the next few months going into archives and exhibitions looking for these signs of wear and tear in clothes. In a culture obsessed with pristineness, newness and conservation, this felt like detective work. Again in 2020, in a project entitled ‘Home Economics with A Stubborn Bloom’, I found the wisdom of garment care in Home Economics textbooks that had been used in Singapore in the 1970s. This material knowledge has largely been lost both due to its perceived femininity and domesticity, as well as by intentional and planned obsolescence by design. As a fashion designer and educator, I find in mending all the aspects that make fashion enjoyable; creativity, individuality and improvisation. 


Instagram: @a_dna_lie

Facebook: Daniela Monasterios Tan

Visit Us

Design Orchard

250 Orchard Road, Singapore 238905


Monday - Sunday

Opening hours: 11am to 9pm

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